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About Us

        Join CARA, Inc. in confronting a difficult but necessary issue within our faith community. Together, we can work towards healing, justice, and a safer environment for all.

        Why Address Abuse? Abuse is a grave violation of Christian values. As followers of Christ, it is our duty to protect the vulnerable and speak out against injustice.

Recognizing Abuse:

  • Abuse comes in many forms: physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual.

  • It often hides behind closed doors, but its effects ripple throughout families and congregations.

Breaking the Silence:

  • Let's create a culture where survivors feel safe to come forward and seek support.

  • Silence only perpetuates the cycle of abuse. It's time to break it.

Support and Resources:

  • Confidential helplines and counseling services are available for survivors.

  • Our community offers support groups and pastoral care for those affected by abuse.

Taking Action:

  • Educate yourself and others about the signs of abuse.

  • Advocate for policies that protect against abuse and hold perpetrators accountable.

Conclusion: Together, we can be agents of change within our Christian community. By addressing abuse head-on, we embody the love and justice of Christ.

Our Purpose 

What is the purpose for C.A.R.A?


To prevent relationship abuse serves several crucial purposes, each of which contributes to fostering healthier and safer communities:


  1. Protecting Individuals: The primary purpose of preventing relationship abuse is to protect individuals from physical, emotional, and psychological harm. Relationship abuse can have devastating consequences for victims, including physical injuries, trauma, low self-esteem, depression, and even death. By preventing abuse, we aim to safeguard individuals' well-being and ensure they can live free from fear and violence in their relationships.

  2. Promoting Equality and Respect: Relationship abuse often stems from a lack of respect and equality between partners. Preventing abuse involves promoting values of mutual respect, consent, and equality in relationships. It aims to create a culture where all individuals are treated with dignity and where power dynamics are balanced, fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

  3. Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Many individuals who experience relationship abuse may have grown up in environments where violence and abuse were normalized. Preventing relationship abuse involves breaking this cycle of intergenerational trauma by providing education, support, and resources to help individuals recognize unhealthy relationship patterns and develop healthier ways of relating to others.

  4. Empowering Survivors: Preventing relationship abuse involves empowering survivors to seek help, access support services, and break free from abusive situations. It involves creating a network of resources, including shelters, hotlines, counseling services, and legal assistance, to ensure that survivors have the support they need to rebuild their lives and heal from the trauma of abuse.

  5. Promoting Social Justice: Relationship abuse is often intertwined with broader social issues such as gender inequality, discrimination, and systemic oppression. Preventing abuse requires addressing these underlying social factors and advocating for social justice and equity. It involves challenging harmful stereotypes, dismantling oppressive structures, and creating a more just and inclusive society where all individuals have equal rights and opportunities.

  6. Building Stronger Communities: Communities thrive when individuals feel safe, supported, and respected in their relationships. Preventing relationship abuse contributes to building stronger, more cohesive communities where individuals can trust and rely on one another. It fosters a sense of belonging and solidarity, creating environments where everyone can contribute their talents and abilities to the collective well-being.


Overall, our objective is to aid in preventing relationship abuse to create a society where all individuals can live with dignity, safety, and freedom in their relationships. It requires collective action, including education, advocacy, policy changes, religious and community support, to address the root causes of abuse and create lasting change.

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